Another great blog...

Another good blog that brings you several great posts that directly relate to Food Service is WHERE IN THE WORLD IS MICHAL (W.I.T.W.I.M) but not only that she covers a wide spectrum of interesting posts relating to her life and thoughts being here on the ship.

Michal also works on one of the kitchen teams with us in foodservice and you may remember I used her permission to copy one of her posts to show you some of our staff in an earlier post here.

Two great posts (among many), one of which is her general account of the cooking team she works on and several food service members, great pictures and description to go with the people: (which you have probably already seen posted here)

Cooking Teams

And secondly a pictorial process of Mercy Chips, or plantains from start to finish...fried up for dinner:

Mercy Chips - plantains, start to finish

But her newest post Mercy Hair is pretty funny too...she has the time (and camera) to take some of the best pictures and creativity to make the blog posts easy on the eyes and a quick read (but of course, she is an artist, and creativity usually tends to come with that sort).

So if you would like to take another look into the world we are now living in beside our own 'humble' views and opinions, pop on over and see some of the great pictures around the ship and Monrovia.
