Can Sizes and Equivalents

For those of us who cook in bulk, commercial, food service for schools, restaurants, ships (laughing), camps, etc...anything that takes large amounts of canned foods, this will be 'old hat' or 'old news' to some of you!

I want to list some can sizes and equivalents that will help you understand a little bit about recipes in bulk, and the sizing in general. And later this might help you if I post a few BULK recipes.

#10 can. The number ten can, most prominently recognized by most of us in the business is labeled below as being 12 cups but I am almost certain I have had up to 1 to 1 1/2 cups difference in product with a #10 I would say the below equivalents may not be definitive but a good guide to go by...

Can Sizes and Equivalents
Many recipes specify a can size rather than a volume amount. This chart will also come in handy to determine how much to buy.

Can Sizes
8 ounces 8 ounces 1 cup
Picnic 10-1/2 to 12 ounces 1-1/4 cups
12 ounces vacuum 12 ounces 1-1/2 cups
#1 11 ounces 1-1/3 cup
#1 tall 16 ounces 2 cups
#1 square 16 ounces 2 cups
#2 1 pound 4 ounces or
1 pint 2 fluid ounces
2-1/2 cups
#2-1/2 1 pound 13 ounces 3-1/2 cups
#2-1/2 square 31 ounces scant 4 cups
#3 4 cups
#3 squat 2-3/4 cups
#5 7-1/3 cups
#10 12 cups
#300 14 to 16 ounces 1-3/4 cups
#303 16 to 17 ounces 2 cups
Baby food jar 3-1/2 to 8 ounces depends on size
Condensed milk 15 ounces 1-1/3 cups
Evaporated milk 6 ounces 2/3 cup
Evaporated milk 14-1/2 ounces 1-2/3 cups
Frozen juice concentrate 6 ounces 3/4 cup

I want to give credit where its due and thank for having such a beautiful chart that I could 'borrow' for this post. (I was about to make it myself in excel, but this is less painful)

Coming up this week a green bean casserole recipe made with #10 & #5 can products...tested several times by my own 400+ International volunteer taste testers.
