New Mercy Ships Logo

Subtitle ~ ...and loose chronological order of logo and missions statement

Mercy Ships first known web presence (web site) made its debut 'back in the day' in (that I can dig up online) is September 1996.  See for yourself! Mercy Ships -  Wayback Time Machine 1996

Here is a 'LOOSE' chronological order (meaning it may skip or miss a few things) of Logo (plus header/banner) and Mission statements:

1996 - Mercy Ships is a non-profit Christian humanitarian organization committed to a three-fold purpose of mercy and relief, training, and ministry. Mercy Ships has served the poor in over 70 port cities by providing medical care, assisting through development projects, and fulfilling basic daily needs in order to demonstrate the message of hope through Jesus Christ.

2000 - Mercy Ships utilizes ocean-going vessels to bring physical and spiritual healing to the poor and needy in port cities around the world.  The ministry encourages societal change by following Christ's example,
mobilizing volunteers to serve others through medical care, relief,
community and church development, proclamation, and training.

2003 - Mercy Ships, a global charity, has operated a growing fleet of hospital ships in developing nations since 1978.  Following the example of
Jesus, Mercy Ships brings hope and healing to the poor, mobilizing people and resources worldwide.

And now, can we have the drum roll please...(pause)...for the new Mercy Ships logo!

Some things to notice about the logo: The ship is more defined than before with a medical cross on the side & a Christian Cross serving as the ship's antenna.  A globe is transmitted from the antenna (or Cross) and envelopes our ship and the 'usual' Mercy Ships text has been brought in line to be more vertical or up-and-down and the tag line is still “Bringing Hope and Healing”. The Colors of the logo are now a deeper blue and more contemporary vivid green.  (this is a paraphrase by me of the actual attributes of the logo being described).

I am not so sure how keen I am on it yet, but hey...I will wait and see if it grows on me.  What do you think?


For further fun use this link to see more archived pages of Mercy Ships -*/

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